Moving again!!!!

25 Nov

New blog =

Whaaaaat? I know, for the 2nd time this blog is moving…. first blogger, then wordpress, now…. *drum roll please* WordPress!

*giggles* yep, the same software but with my own domain name now.

Please update your bookmarks, links and general whatnot’s to

Thanks everybody!

*rubber hugs and tape gagged kisses*


Another quick update

16 Nov

Hi Everybody,

Still busy lately and no chance to be properly hypnotized, but I have had a chance to chat a bit with my absolute favorite Hypno-Mistress (Mistress Keiki) which was nice. She is the hypnotists who helped me with my asthma while at the same time helped me experience a really sexy *blush* shiny hypnotic trance.

Some more updates for everyone…

1) No new Hypnosis news for me (sad)

2) Still working on part 2 of the hypnosis/latex/bondage story ‘kitten’

3) Almost done part 1 of a hypnosis/latex/bondage/superhero story ‘Image: Origins’

4) And a new photo manip for you the people. *smiles*

rubber hypno caption 002 Once again hope everyone enjoys the pic and a huge thanks to the super duper sexy model in the pic, whoever she might be!

Whats been going down in Hypno town….

22 May

Hi Everybody, sorry about the super huge break between posts, but I have yet to be hypnotized by anyone online since my last posting. *sad*

It’s been a long dry spell. But I have been keeping myself occupied listening to MP3’s joining hypnosis groups in Tokyo and frequently viewing TG and Hypno caption pics. *mmmmm sexy*

So I thought as an apology for the lack of posts I would make my own little caption pic! Special thanks to whoever these beautiful latex models are!

No longer a boy

I hope everyone enjoys the pic!

*rubber hugs & tape gagged kisses*


Shiny Sleepy Story Time – part the first

6 May

Hi everybody! *smiles*

I had written a story for warp my mind a little while ago, and one or two people have actually commented and told me that they enjoyed it and wanted to see more. This came as a pleasant surprise for me! So I thought maybe if I posted it on here I might get my very first reader comment!

Well here it is….. I present to you ‘Kitten Part 1

Ah the beginning of another work shift. Andrea was beginning to regret moving to the city. Her first job at 18 was a little less glamorous than she had first expected. Warehouse Manager had sounded fairly important when she was living in her parents basement. Now she knew that the only thing she actually had to manage was her spare time. If she had known that Warehouse Manager actually meant midnight security guard in a boring warehouse she probably wouldn’t have rushed into the unfamiliar city to start her new life.

Andrea had never gotten along with her parents, as she didn’t fit their blinkered view of what a woman should be. Not that Andrea wasn’t attractive, she definitely was in a petit cute way. Her height, tiny waist and average chest made her look like a cute young girl. No it wasn’t her looks that her parents didn’t agree with it was more her attitude. Andrea would not be a submissive little thing to be told what to do by a big strong man. No, Andrea would make her own life, find a man who appreciated a strong woman and show her parents a thing or two. But first she had to get to work.

After punching in and making sure that everyone had left the front office’s (Not that people would be there at this ungodly hour) Andrea stretched out on her chair and pulled out a computer engineering for dummies book from her backpack. The one advantage of the job was that she was all alone for 8 hours, she could read to her hearts content, and when she could afford college she would be ready.

It was about 4 hours into her shift when Andrea thought about doing her nightly patrol up and down the aisles of boxes. The warehouse was huge and it would normally take her about 2 hours to walk the entire building. Also in the almost non existent night lighting the warehouse employed it could be a bit of a spooky place. That’s why these video monitors were such a godsend. Why walk through the dark when you can sit down, relax and have the monitors do the walking for you.

Andrea had worked there for almost 6 months now and the most exciting thing to happen was when she dozed off and almost fell out of her chair. That’s why she was so surprised when she caught some movement on camera #19. Just a shiny flash and then gone.

“Must be my imagination…” Just in case Andrea thought she better check it out. After all if some punk teenager broke in and vandalized something she might as well start looking for a new job.

Grabbing her stun gun, handcuffs and flashlight she began her trek through the huge warehouse. Down the stairs, into the warehouse Andrea carefully made her way around boxes twice her height, using her flashlight to peer carefully at the floor and surrounding area. Andrea had learned the hard way to always keep an eye on the floor as workers tended to forget to clean up after themselves in a warehouse this size. Something was definitely going on, Andrea could almost swear she could hear someone saying something and some sort of soothing music, but anytime she tried to listen to what the voice was saying it would disappear only to come back again as soon as she concentrated on something else. Andrea, paused in her trek to camera #19 and thought about the strange voices and music. This is the kind of thing that I should probably call in, but… maybe it’s nothing, yes it is definitely nothing, I should go back to my office and go to sleep. As if in a trance Andrea turned 180 and began to walk back towards her small security office. She probably would have continued too, if she hadn’t slipped on whatever it was that the afternoon workers had spilled on the floor. Falling to the ground in surprise Andrea’s hands shot out in front of her to break her fall. This worked but it also meant that the flashlight clattered against the ground loudly, blinked out and rolled under the warehouse boxes, it also meant that Andrea had some nice painful scrapes on her hands to show for her absentmindedness.

“Shit, that hurt!” Andrea cursed quietly and shook her head to get her bearings. What was going on here, last thing she remembered she was going to check out those strange voices and music and now she was halfway back to her office.

Crawling slowly towards the closest box Andrea winced as she put her scraped palms on the ground. She rolled on to her side and tried to see if the missing flashlight had rolled under the box while putting as little pressure on her scraped palms as she could. Stretching as far as her small arms could she reached around blindly but came up with nothing other than a dusty sticky shirt sleeve. The warehouse wasn’t pitch black but it was very dark, with emergency lights only every second isle or so.

“Great just great, now i have to investigate this garbage in the dark.” Andrea whispered quietly “and I’m probably going to get in trouble for the missing flashlight too”

Standing up Andrea took account of her situation, strange music, lost time, broken video camera, slipper floor, very dark warehouse. Now a smart girl, or boy for that manner,  would head straight back to the office and call for help, but Andrea wasn’t going to let a bit of daydreaming, clumsy tripping and paranoia let her become the laughing stock of her new job. Standing up Andrea walked slowly and carefully down the dark aisle that led to Camera 19. Trying to be as quite as possible she was almost at the camera when she heard voices once again. These definitely weren’t the same voices she had heard earlier these voices..well more like a voice and a high pitched grunts sounded, more real. Andrea strained to hear where the voices were coming from.

“I think I heard something, is the trance still running? Be careful with that. Stupid slut!”

From the sounds of it they were just around the corner and they probably weren’t teenagers. Andrea snuck quietly up to peek around the corner. From the looks of things she was half right. Once of the two looked to be in her early thirty’s but the other looked the same age or younger than Andrea. The woman and the girl were carrying a large box,  with what looked to be a speaker on top, between them. Andrea could easily make out the eerie music now, it was coming from the speaker resting on top of the box. But the music was instantly forgotten when Andrea looked closer at the two women. Andrea couldn’t help but gasp when she saw them. It was what they were both wearing. The girl wore what looked to be shiny black rubber hot pants, and a tight latex shirt with the word CUM-SLUT written across in bright silver letters. On her feet were knee high latex boots that must have had 6 inch heels. Andrea couldn’t make out her face as a tight rubber mask hid all of her features minus the two pigtails coming out of the top of the mask and a shiny red ball gag in her mouth. Andrea found herself wondering what kind of crazy person breaks into a warehouse dressed in something that Sexy. She corrected herself. Not sexy just bizarre and crazy. She knew that regular girls like her didn’t wear things like that. Quickly snapping out of it she reminded herself that the poor girl did not look like a willing participant in this robbery. Andrea then turned her attention to the other lady. She wore a skin tight black latex catsuit with a pair of knee high leather boots and fingerless gloves. She looked perfect for the part of a dominatrix. Andrea found she could get lost in that figure the way the light shined off of her perfect latex clad ass and her large firm breasts. Andrea was not a lesbian but this woman was stunning in her latex catsuit. Again Andrea forced herself to snap out of it. She had seen latex in movies like Batman Returns and Underworld, but she had never seen anyone wearing it in real life before. The way it fit everything like a second skin, moved and shined was the most sexual thing she had ever seen. But now was not the time to get lost in those perfect curves. Taking a deep breath Andrea jumped out into the open stun gun held high. “Freeze!” Both the woman and the girl quickly turned to face Andrea. In fact the young girl was so shocked that she dropped the container they were carrying and a loud crunching noise was heard from inside the box. Andrea had expected a look of fear or panic on the women’s faces but instead was greeted with a appraising smile.

“Ahhhhh a new little girl come to join the ranks.” The Woman looked at her and said something that Andrea couldn’t make out, the next thing Andrea knew she was on her knees.

“Silly little girl, soon to be silly little rubber girl, you should have just turned and gone back to your office like the words told you, now…. well now your mine.”

End of Part One

More Rubber Doll Ramblings

4 May

Hi again Everyone!

Things have been pretty quite for me lately. I haven’t had a chance to be hypnotized in over a week *sad*. I have been listening to some MP3’s lately, but as I mentioned in some earlier posts, they don’t work very well for me. I never go very deep into trance with them. Here’s my playlist at the moment….

1 – Blank Doll (EMG) – Hopefully when triggered, i will enter a mostly blank state, where I am able to see and hear but cannot think for myself, as such I obey every command from the person that triggered me

2 – Jekket Induction & Deepener – Meant to bring me into trance and then deepen the trance.

3 – Jekket Be Obedient – Links relaxation to obedience, obedience to pleasure, pleasure to relaxation, relaxation to obedience, obedience to pleasure…you get the idea. Using logic loops this file should make me more submissive, more easily tranced, and more attracted to being hypnotized. (although i don’t know if that last one is possible, I am already insanely attracted to being hypnotized *giggles*)

4 – Jekket Be Fit – I want to serve, to be controlled and owned. For this, I must be Fit for Service. This file tries to use my natural submission to lay the groundwork for a habit, a changed lifestyle that includes activity, nutrition and hygiene.

5 – Curse Shaving – This one should cause all my hair to fall out and not grow back. Shaving should act like a trigger and speed up the process

6 – Jekket Awakener – It wakes me up *giggles*

So that’s what i’ve been practicing lately, every morning before getting up and every night before bed. But I still miss being hypnotized for real. *happy sigh*

I thought it might be nice to finish off today’s post with a little hypno dream of mine…

I want Rubber doll tami to take over more and more of my sub-conscious but I don’t want to realize it until it is far too late. By the time I realize she will have started taking over my conscious life as well.

There will be nothing i can do to stop her, and whenever I try I only succeed in making her stronger. Eventually I will reach a point where we have to share this body of mine, and come to an agreement on who gets to control it at what time *blush*.

*giggles* There you go another episode of rubber doll ramblings.

*rubber hugs & tape gagged kisses*


Rubberdoll Ramblings

29 Apr

Hi Everybody *smiles*

It’s been an interesting week, a lot has been happening, and because i love lists so much *giggles* I’ll make a list of the good, the bad and the interesting for your perusal.

First let’s start with the – Good

  • I made my very first hypnosis script, to help reinforce my existing triggers, it kinda worked, not as well as a real hypnotists script but hopefully it is doing what it’s meant to and making sure those triggers stay put. *smiles*
  • As an unexpected bonus, I think this hypnotism stuff is helping me keep my asthma in check as well. It’s usually very hard to relax and calm my breathing if my asthma is bothering me, but lately I’ve been able to calm myself much easier and almost reach a trance like state. *big smile*
  • I’ve made a lot of really nice friends since i started this hypnosis journey, and while there’s been one or two bad apples, almost all of the people I have met in the hypnosis community have been very friendly and helpful.

Okay now the – Bad

  • I may have lost a Hypno Mistress (a really amazing one too), she was the first hypnotist to help me actually trance and to this day the only one who can bring me deep deeep deeeply under. I am still hoping that we can work things out and even if we don’t trance together anymore, still be friends.
  • I’ve been getting headaches when I trance for too long online, i think it is the extreme focus on the text in my chat window. Going to try increasing the font size next time around and see if that helps.

And of course can’t forget the – Interesting

  • I’m currently looking for some new rubber clothes, I’m looking for some new latex panties and a good rubber doll mask or just a plain rubber mask. If anyone has any recommendations that would be great!
  • I read that hypnosis and yoga can be combined to really get that super relaxing peaceful zen thing going, I’m gonna give it a try starting in May. I’ll keep everyone posted.
  • I think I may have been hypnotized to be a little more feminine and girly than I usually am, I hadn’t even thought about it until I shaved my legs for the first time in a long time. This is another issue I’ll keep everyone posted about. *giggles*

Well That’s about it for my rubberdoll ramblings. Hope everyone enjoyed them!

*rubber hugs & ball gagged kisses*

rubberdoll tami

hypno update #3 – News

27 Apr

Hi Everybody *smiles*

I was lucky enough to be hypnotized by Mistress Keiki last night and it was a very deep trance. We worked on creating more of a robot personality for me and by the time we finished up for the night i was a little sore from keeping all of my body so stiff like a robot. *smiles*

As always, it felt great to go under and a lot of what we did i can’t quite remember, almost like it’s on the tip of my tounge but i just cant reach it. For me, it’s a really great feeling, that total uncertainty of what was done of what i now must do. It’s like a type of submission and it feel great. I am still very certain that i can’t be made to do anything i really don’t want to and i also trust Mistress Keiki.

All in all a pretty great evening! I’ll update my triggers and my goals a bit later, but RL calls and i have to get ready for work.

*rubber hugs & ball gagged kisses*

rubberdoll tami

P.S. i have started submitting my blog to various search engines just so i can click that submit button *giggles*

Lists – Things That Don’t Help me Trancec

25 Apr

The second of my many lists….

Things that either destroy my trance or lesson it significantly when I am using messenger or reading a script.

  1. my roommate coming home early
  2. being asked to do something i am really not that comfortable with
  3. being told that i am in fact comfortable with it, when i’m not
  4. orgasm (don’t laugh but i always feel guilty after an orgasm, like i shouldn’t be doing it or at least not in such a kinky way at least)
  5. the text changing colour in the chat, this only happened once, but it really through me off

Lists – Things That Help me Trance

25 Apr

The first of my many lists….

Things that help me go into trance easier when I am using messenger or reading a script.

  1. my noise canceling headphones
  2. my super duper mega comfy hoodie
  3. my latex panties (for trance with suggestions dealing with rubber)
  4. my latex pants (for trance with suggestions dealing with rubber)
  5. my super comfy *crinkly* (you know that plasticy sound disposable diapers make*) snow pants
  6. the background noise on Mr. Daniels website

*That plasticy sound that disposable diapers make… Crinkly sound

* That

hypno update #2a – 22/4/2010 – News

22 Apr

Hi Everybody *smiles*

I listened to a new MP3 last night before I went to bed and it worked fairly well.

Usually MP3 files don’t work at all for me. Only chat over messenger is what has really worked in the past. But the sheer quality and professional sound of this MP3 really caught my attention and I enjoyed listening to it. I think I enjoyed it enough that I am going to add yet another trigger to my list of triggers. *laughs* Bringing the grand total up to 5.

*rubber hugs & ball gagged kisses*
